Where can I find the secret hat in the first level of Skylanders Giants, era of the giants?
Bobby henger |
 | 448 |
Check in the first level called "Era of the Giants" in Skylanders Giants after the Chompy pit. When you go up, look to your left. Somewhere there, you'll find a hat.
Personal tip:
How can I use Skylander Giants to quickly take down the health of bosses like Drill-X and the Victory Bot?
Bobby henger |
 | 448 |
 | 10 jaar |
When facing bosses like Drill-X and the Victory Bot, make sure to use a Giant from Skylanders Giants, as it will quickly deplete their health. The Giants to use are: Ninjini-Tree, Rex-Thumpback-Eye, Brawl-Hot, Heat-Bouncer-Swarm, and Crusher.
Personal tip:
What are some upgrades for the Giant Bouncer in Skylanders Giants?
Bobby henger |
 | 448 |
 | 10 jaar |
A few upgrades for Bouncer are: Rocket Hands, laser eyes, less overheating laser eyes, and the ability to shoot 6 rockets at once in Skylanders Giants.
Personal tip:
How can I best utilize Tree-Rex's attacks?
Bobby henger |
 | 448 |
 | 10 jaar |
Tree-Rex's attacks are: battering ram, laser, big laser, and super strike. Make sure to use the super strike often, as 9 out of 10 enemies will go down!
Personal tip:
Can I buy hats if I fall on Flynn's Dragon Engine ship and land on a wing?
Mattias |
 | 273 |
 | 11 jaar |
If you choose Flynn's Dragon Engine ship in Skylanders Giants, you can fall down. You'll land on a wing and then you can buy hats from a little guy.
How do you defeat a Goliath-Drow in Skylanders Giants?
Wait until the Goliath-Drow comes to a halt, because when he's moving, he's invulnerable (meaning you can't hurt him in Skylanders Giants).
How do I find the hat in the sky in chapter 1 of Era of the Giants in Skylanders Giants?
In chapter 1: Era of the Giants, you'll find a elemental gate of the air element of Skylanders Giants at the exit of the cave. Use an air Skylander like Jet-Vac or Swarm, dodge the obstacles, and you'll get the hat.
The following Skylanders belong to the air element: Jet-Vac, Swarm, Sonic Boom, Warnado, Whirlwind, and Lightning Rod.
Where can you find the first legendary treasure in Chapter 1: Era of the Giants in Skylanders Giants?
The legendary treasure from Chapter 1: Era of the Giants can be found near the second chain of the VICTORYBOT. To the right of that platform, you can go down, and there lies the treasure (The treasure looks like a bucket of water.) Skylanders Giants.
How can I find the Ancient Butterfly in level 1 of Skylanders Giants?
The Winged Sapphire in level 1 of Skylanders Giants is located behind the fence right at the beginning of the level. Grab the big rock with a giant and throw it against the fence to be able to collect the Winged Sapphire.
Easter Eggs and Glitches:
How does the Portal Glitch work in Skylanders Giants?
Take two portals, place them next to each other, then turn one on and one off. If you place a Skylander on the portal that is turned off, he/she will appear on the screen in Skylanders Giants.
Cheats and Codes:
How can I quickly earn money in Skylanders Giants?
Lennahawk |
 | 275 |
Once you've completed a level and you're back on the Skylanders Giants ship, head to the playroom. Open the door using the required powers and you'll find plenty of diamonds worth 90 each.
How can you collect Sky Stones in Skylanders Giants?
Below you can see how to obtain some Sky Stones:
1. Fire Chompy
Go to chapter 4 (Pirate Fair) of Skylanders Giants, defeat a (rare) pirate Fangs and then return to the nearest platform. A molekin will give you the Fire Chompy Sky Stone.
2. Victory Bot
Go to chapter 16 (Order at Chaos) of Skylanders Giants. Just before the Arkeyan Throne Room, there is a shop where the VICTORY BOT Sky Stone is available for purchase for 6000 gold coins.
3. Arkeyan Knight 1
Go to chapter 4 (Pirate Fair) of Skylanders Giants, at the end you will have to fight against all the monsters of a pirate named Dreadbeard. Once you have defeated all the monsters, you will have to play Sky Stones against Dreadbeard. If you defeat him, you will receive the Arkeyan Knight Sky Stone.
How do you unlock the secret video in Skylanders Giants on the impossible level?
If you complete the game on the impossible level in Skylanders Giants, you'll unlock a secret video!
How can I get more sky stones in Skylanders Giants?
Below you can see how to obtain some sky stones.
This powerful sky stone can be found in level 3 of Skylanders Giants. When you first encounter Brock, you must defeat all enemies first and then enter a little house.
WARNING: that boy only uses Axecutioners!!
Go to level 5 (glacier trench) and look for a fire element gate. Enter it, destroy the crystal at the third lava pool, and jump off the lava fall to challenge Smolter to a game of systeen. If you win, you will receive the Boemboef sky stone.
What are some upgrades for Pop Fizz?
Below you will find some upgrades for Pop Fizz:
Name of the upgrade | What does the upgrade do | The price of the upgrade |
New brews | Press Z to switch drinks | 500 gold coins |
Pool of pain | Broken bottles leave behind corrosive acid | 700 gold coins |
Furious beast | Pop Fizz's beast attacks deal more damage | 900 gold coins |
Overzealous delivery | Pop Fizz can throw his drinks faster | 1200 gold coins |
Shake it up! | Pop Fizz shakes his bottle until it bursts | Soul gem + 4000 gold coins |
What are the Gatekeeper Honors and how do you earn them?
Below you will find all the Gatekeeper Honors of Skylanders Giants.
Honor | Collection Requirements |
Captain | Add a Skylander that is not from the starter pack. |
Loyal trio | Add Spyro, Gill Grunt, and Trigger Happy to your collection. |
Ambassador | Add at least one Skylander with an orange base from each elemental type. |
Giant hero | Collect all 8 giants. |
Sergeant Major | Add eight Skylanders with an orange base to your collection. |
Colonel | Collect 12 Skylanders with an orange base. |
Commander | Collect 16 Skylanders with an orange base. |
General | Collect 24 Skylanders with an orange base. |
Field Marshal | Collect 32 Skylanders with an orange base. |
Master of Skylands | Collect 40 Skylanders with an orange base. |
To the extreme | One Skylander at level 15. |
Personal tip:
How can I easily defeat enemies with Cynder in Skylanders Giants?
Bjorn741 |
 | 145 |
 | 15 jaar |
If you're playing with Cynder and you want to easily defeat monsters, the best thing to do is to use the ghost shadow when the monsters try to hit you. This way, you can slide under the enemies. Then, you'll be behind the little character and you can hit them more easily. This way, you'll also lose fewer lives in Skylanders Giants.
What are the upgrades for the sporty robot Bouncer?
Below you will find a few upgrades for the sporty robot: Bouncer.
Name of the upgrade | What does the upgrade do | The price of the upgrade |
I-Beam | Bouncer can shoot lasers from its eyes. | 500 gold coins |
Purposeful computer | Hold down B to precisely determine where your rockets will land. | 700 gold coins |
Machine finger guns | Hold down A to keep shooting non-stop. | 900 gold coins |
Cooler I-Beam | Eye lasers inflict more damage and are less likely to overheat. | 1200 gold coins |
What are some upgrades for Sprocket in Skylanders Giants?
Below you'll find some Upgrades for Sprocket from Skylanders Giants.
Name of the upgrade | What does the upgrade do | The price of the upgrade |
Automatic firepower V2 | Increases the damage of your firepower. | 500 gold coins |
Bouncing mines | Throw mines that explode upon impact. | 700 gold coins |
Third time's the charm | Create 2 automatic firepower installations. | 900 gold coins |
Fueled up | Climb into your firepower to transform it into a tank. | 1200 gold coins |
Landmine wave | Sprocket hurls mines towards enemies. | soul gem from Drill-X megamix and 4000 gold coins |
Personal tip:
How can I make the final level in Skylanders Giants easier?
Maxim |
 | 12 jaar |
Do you also find the final level battle (16: restoring order to Kaos) in Skylanders Giants so difficult? Here are some tips:
Switch the game to easy mode (can be done in the menu).
Buy more Skylanders (in-store or on this website).
Play with a friend.
Watch this video (if you still can't do it after this, I don't know what will help).
What is the secret hat shop at the bottom of the ship in Skylanders Giants?
NickGamerD utch |
 | 4194 |
At the bottom of the ship where you start in Skylanders Giants, there's an open gate. Walk into it and you'll fall down, your screen will expand, and now you can see an entrance. Inside, there's a hatter selling hats.
How do you play the pirate card game Skystones in Skylanders Giants?
NickGamerD utch |
 | 4194 |
When you enter your ship in Skylanders Giants, you'll see a pub with some characters in it. On the other side, there's a table with a pirate who you can challenge to a game of Skystones.
How can I quickly earn money by playing Skystones with the pirate in Skylanders Giants?
NickGamerD utch |
 | 4194 |
If you want to earn a lot of money, go to the pirate who plays Skystones in Skylanders Giants and challenge him often, because you can earn a lot with it.
How can you earn sky stone cards for free in Skylanders Giants?
NickGamerD utch |
 | 4194 |
There are hidden characters in Skylanders Giants that you can challenge to a game of Skystones. For every victory against one of them, you'll receive a free Skystones card.
Personal tip:
How do you unlock the special hats in Skylanders Giants?
NickGamerD utch |
 | 4194 |
 | 13 jaar |
In Skylanders Giants, there are three special hats: the bronze hat, the silver hat, and the gold hat. You unlock these hats for each Skylander by reaching the bronze rank, or the silver and gold ranks by completing Skylander character missions.
Where can I find the hidden Winged Sapphire on the ship in Skylanders Giants?
Radi |
 | 75 |
On the ship where you start with Skylanders Giants, you need to go to Flynn and behind the crates there (at the front of the ship) you will find a Winged Sapphire. With this, you can get a 2% discount on upgrades.
Personal tip:
How can I best prepare my Skylander for the final boss battle?
Donnydaant je |
 | 35 |
 | 11 jaar |
Make sure your Skylanders Giants almost have the XP bar filled up and defeat enemies. This way, you'll earn XP. Then, go stand by the final boss and you'll be able to defeat him.
Personal tip:
How can Cynder help you win a PvP battle against a GIANT?
MrGreenfie ld |
 | 520 |
 | 12 jaar |
If you want to win a PvP battle against a GIANT, make sure to fight with Cynder! Cynder can swiftly get to the other side of the giant using 'Shadow Dash'. While the giant takes quite a while to turn around, you're already on the other side! Attack the giant 1 or 2 times with 'Spectral Lightning' and use 'Shadow Dash' again. This way, the giant will never be able to hit you, and you'll defeat the Giant in no time! PLEASE NOTE: this trick works less effectively when fighting against Ninjini or Eye-Brawl!
How do you get to the wheel for the lucky one in chapter 4 of the Pirate Fair in Skylanders Giants?
Ford211 |
 | 63 |
If you enter the leftmost of the 4 cells in chapter 4: Pirate Fair, you can pass through the left wall. This will lead you to a wheel for the lucky ones, the Lucky Wheel of Wealth from Skylanders Giants.
How do I find the secret room in chapter 4 of the pirate fair in Skylanders Giants?
Ford211 |
 | 63 |
When you reach Chapter 4: Pirate Fair of Skylanders Giants and you're at the first platform where you can turn the boat to reach different areas, there is a door on the left leading to a room.
Personal tip:
Are Giants still useful in later games?
Jarow |
 | 383 |
 | 16 jaar |
It's definitely useful to buy a Giant even if you don't have the game yourself, because in later games they don't lose their power. You can still smash through certain walls that would require a bomb, and in Swap Force, there are even special chests for Giants.
Can you still swim in water levels in Skylanders Giants?
CIYoshi |
 | 528 |
In Skylanders Giants, levels with water have unfortunately disappeared. However, you can still see Chill and Thumpback swimming! Go to Flynn and play Thumpback's level. Here you'll find a level with water where you can swim!
Personal tip:
How does the explosion of light work when using a Lightcore Skylander on the "portal of power" in Skylanders Giants?
Maxim Van Bylen |
 | 10 jaar |
When you place a Lightcore Skylander on the portal of power in Skylanders Giants, there will be an explosion of light that damages enemies. Be careful! This only works once per level.
What are some upgrades for Chop Chop?
Here are some upgrades for Chop Chop:
Upgrade Name | Upgrade Effect | |
Shield Slam | You can give enemies a shield slam. |
Bone Spikes | Chop Chop can use bone spikes. |
Vampiric Aura | Chop Chop's health is replenished when you defeat enemies with your sword. | |
Cursed Bone Spikes | Bone spikes deal more damage. |
What are some upgrades for Crusher in Skylanders Giants?
Below you'll find some upgrades for Crusher in Skylanders Giants:
Rockslide | (Crusher can cause a rockslide) |
Energy Blast | (Crusher can shoot an energy blast from his eyes) |
How can I earn more cards in Skylanders Giants?
NickGamerD utch |
 | 4194 |
If you talk to the pirate in the bar, you can challenge him to Skystones. And if you do this often enough, he will occasionally give you cards along with your winnings in Skylanders Giants.
Personal tip:
Is Sprocket a strong character with fun upgrades and weapons in Skylanders Giants?
NickGamerD utch |
 | 4194 |
 | 13 jaar |
Sprocket is a very strong character with a bunch of cool upgrades. You can get things like tanks and machine guns. It's really cool to see that this is the first character with weapons in Skylanders Giants.
Personal tip:
How can I complete missions more easily in Skylanders Giants?
NickGamerD utch |
 | 4194 |
 | 13 jaar |
You have several missions to improve your Skylander and to achieve the bronze, silver, or even gold rank. Want to speed this up? Then head into the Skylanders Giants arena frequently, and you'll breeze through the food missions and combat missions effortlessly.
What happens if you rename a Skylander to Control_MX? Does it change color?
Bonk13 |
 | 85 |
If you rename a Skylander to Control_MX in Skylanders Giants, it changes color!
Where can I find Flyn at the beginning of the game?
Did you also have trouble finding Flyn at the beginning of the game? If you take a look at the helm, you'll surely find him there!
Personal tip:
How can I quickly earn gold in Skylanders Giants?
MrGreenfie ld |
 | 520 |
 | 12 jaar |
If you're in need of 100 gold for an upgrade and you can't be bothered to replay a whole chapter to earn some gold, just start a PvP battle, solo! Simply place the second controller next to you and defeat the other Skylander. Every time you win, you'll earn around 100 gold in Skylanders Giants!
Personal tip:
What are the different types of Double Trouble Skylanders?
MrGreenfie ld |
 | 520 |
 | 12 jaar |
Have you ever heard of Double Trouble 1.5? Probably not, because it's quite rare. There are actually 4 types of Double Troubles. 1. Double Trouble series 1, just the regular Double Trouble with a green base. Double Trouble series 2, just the regular series 2 Double Trouble with an orange base! And then we have Double Trouble 1.5, Double Trouble 1.5 has the same pose as Doubles Trouble series 1 but has an orange base. In-Game, it's the same as the series 2 Double Trouble, including the Wow-Pow and slightly better statistics! This Skylander was in the 'Skylanders Battlegrounds Starter Pack' together with Jet-Vac, series 2 Cynder, and a platinum treasure chest. Skylanders Battlegrounds is a Skylanders game only for iOS. Lastly, we also have the Royal Double Trouble. This one is the same as Double Trouble 1.5, but with different colors. This one was also in the 'Skylanders Battlegrounds Starter Pack' but was exclusively for Gamestop!
Personal tip:
Can you use Giants in Skylanders Swap Force?
MrGreenfie ld |
 | 520 |
 | 12 jaar |
Yes, it is possible to use the Giants in Swap Force of Skylanders Giants. However, they don't play a major role anymore. The only thing they are still needed for is the Giant chests. They can also still be used in Trap Team!
How do I find the Luck-O-Tron wheel in chapter 1 of Skylanders Giants?
MrGreenfie ld |
 | 520 |
Did you also struggle to find the Luck-O-Tron wheel in the first chapter of Skylanders Giants? After falling through the hole with Gigantus, you'll end up in the first Chompy pit. Defeat the Chompies and jump onto the second platform. Head to the right and move the rock (with a giant). Defeat the Chompies again and repeat this process! Once you've defeated the Chompies three times, the first Luck-O-Tron wheel will appear just before the Chompy Pit.
Personal tip:
How can Drobot assist you in tough battles in Skylanders Giants?
Master starcast |
 | 549 |
 | 16 jaar |
If you find yourself in a tough battle, make sure to use Drobot from Skylanders Giants! With all the upgrades, he deals loads of damage and is very fast, walking and shooting at the same time. And if you get into trouble, activate your afterburner and fly away quickly.
Personal tip:
Do Series 2 Skylanders function the same as Series 1 in Skylanders Spyro's Adventure?
MrGreenfie ld |
 | 520 |
 | 12 jaar |
Don't forget that a Series 2 Skylander functions just like a Series 1 Skylander in Skylanders Giants! So, don't waste any more money on a Series 2 Skylander if you only have Skylanders Giants!
Less tips and secrets.